The Dark Knight Film Summary Synopsis


The Dark NightThe Dark Knight Film Summary Synopsis

The Dark Knight is Batman sequel that store about Batman continues to eliminate Gotham City's crime.

Batman helped by Lt. Jim Gordo and District Attorney Harvey Dent.

The Dark Night wants to get rid of organized crime for good and be free of their corruption. And Joker is new mastermain who takeover organized crime.

Joker is the most dangerous criminal that Batman has encountered, and he will need all his strength and vigilance to defeat him.

The Dark Night Stars are
Christian Bale, Heath Ledger, Aaron Eckhart, Michael Caine, Maggie Gyllenhaal and Gary Oldman.


Mystery Man said...

I liked it, but I'm not gushing over it like everyone else in the world seems to be doing. It jus twasn't that great. It wasn't a fun movie to watch. Too dark for my taste, I guess. If I wasn't such a Batman (and Joker) fan, I probab;y would totally hate this film. I especially didn't care for bringing in Maggie Gylenhall onl to kill her,m they could have kept Katie Holmes for that. On a plus note, the special effects and make up on Two-Face are spot on. That's exactly how he looks in the comic. *GASP* They actually follwed the book!

If thet make a third one, I'll probably go see it, just becuse I'm a Batman fan, but it'll probaby be more of the same. Iron Man was WAY better and more entertaining, though. Aren't movies supposed to be fun, not depressing? And now, they're talking of making Superman all dark. Oy!