The Dark Knight Film Summary Synopsis


The Dark NightThe Dark Knight Film Summary Synopsis

The Dark Knight is Batman sequel that store about Batman continues to eliminate Gotham City's crime.

Batman helped by Lt. Jim Gordo and District Attorney Harvey Dent.

The Dark Night wants to get rid of organized crime for good and be free of their corruption. And Joker is new mastermain who takeover organized crime.

Joker is the most dangerous criminal that Batman has encountered, and he will need all his strength and vigilance to defeat him.

The Dark Night Stars are
Christian Bale, Heath Ledger, Aaron Eckhart, Michael Caine, Maggie Gyllenhaal and Gary Oldman.

Tropic Thunder Film Synopsis

Tropic Thunder MovieTropic Thunder Film Synopsis

The Tropic Thunder Movies is action comedy film.

The Tropic Thunder is about a film crew who struggling against a law called Murphy's Law during the production of big budget war film.

Ben Stiller who plays as Tugg Speedman sets out to Southest Asia with celebrity co-stars. And after the production begins the actors are forced to be a fighting unit and potraying to find a way out of the jungle in one piece.

The Tropic Thunder film are starring by
Ben Stiller, Jack Black, Robert Downey, Jr., Nick Nolte, Steve Coogan, Jay Baruchel, more cast.

Learning Guitar Chord by Video


Learning Guitar Chord by Video

Do you like music ? I think a lot of people like a music. Yeah, many people like music so that why music industry never die. Everyday new music album and lyrics song born.

Do you like play guitar? if you like but have no idea to begin learning guitar chord. I have two methods and it's simple which are buying guitar book and watching guitar video.

But learning by guitar book could be boring way of learning guitar chord because you try to copy all these charts showing you where your fingers should be to play every chord imaginable.

I think the best way to learn guitar chord is by watching video. Because you can see them actually being fingered and played in front of your eyes, and you can make it to show in slow motion exactly how to do it.

AdTracker for Your Online Business Guide

AdTracker for Your Online Business Guide

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