Promoting Your Site


One of the questions most frequently obtained is "how do I get visitors to my site?". Nine out of ten times these people not only of the visitors, they mean the people who are going to comment Weblog entries, the daily performance of worship and, in general, the owner of the site.

I am not going to be able to make people love you. If you are unable to write, do not have basic knowledge of English (or whatever your target language is), are not in the least something funny, or have nothing worthwhile or intelligent to say: you will not keep About three of repeat visitors. This sucks, boohoo, find a new hobby.

I will help increase its total visits hope that, in turn, will lead to you earn some faithful visitors. Do you not think that is an easy ride, but it requires effort on your part.
Step 1. Have an Opinion

Having an opinion is not going to bring visitors in itself, but I found that when visitors do arrive, they are more likely to read an interesting point of view rather than looking at generic read / etc. This does not mean simply publishing a page that says "I do not agree with the death penalty. I think that gay marriage sucks. Hate abortion. I like George Bush" - do a little research, write a few paragraphs structured with clear points that you and I do not agree with.

The key is to not be afraid to say what you think. Keep in mind that at some point, at least one person is going to disagree with you and will more than likely expressed as such. You have three options: allow have their opinion, but do not rise to the same (ie ignore them), delete your comment and pretend that never happened, or lastly .. Rant and whine like a baby that somebody does not agree with what you say. While the third probably create drama and, in turn, you get more votes, which also gives it a reputation that no longer want.
Step 2. Present you correctly

Unless your target audience is really idiotic chat-speaking teenagers then t @ LK lyk dis. I would very much like to read and not a website where the owner has made an effort for the development convictions, and I think that most people feel the same way. Each word processing program that I have used always comes with spell-checking functionality (including OpenOffice - which is free). If you know that the spelling is crap: Using a spelling corrector.
Step 3. Get a blog, the blog about everything

A large number of repeat visitors my only for my blog. They love the variety of topics covering almost on a daily basis. You do not have to be a master writer of the article to maintain a blog, just a paragraph or two every day or they will. Not only blog about the same old crap, either. You are more likely to get a wider range of users of search engines if talk of completely random things like picking your nose and crappy TV as The X Factor

The success of the blog is regularly updated. If I have sporadically, take my hits falling. In the days when I updated my website I get in all in half of the hits I usually receive. Develop a schedule that works for you and stick to it - the more frequently you can blog, the better. A word of warning, but if everyone who blogs about his visit to the local mall with friends and see very hot, children and the purchase of new shoes fashion, it must be shot.

Do not forget to allow for comments, which brings me to my next point ..
Step 4. Return all comments

Until you become a popular blogger who everybody loves and visits, will have to return each comment. This shows that people who are interested in them (even if not actually) and also 'announces' their sites to potential nosy sprejetih to read the comments of others. If what you say is witty or insightful, this is even better.

Site promotional tools that forced him to leave comments could also be included in this category, but I do not like so I am not connected to any. At least you know that there are now, eh?
Step 5. Get Reviewed

I know that many people do not like to ask for feedback because they are insecure about their place and worried about what people are going to say, the most simple answer to this question is "hard". There will always be someone out there that does not like you, your site, what you write / etc and an examination or must confirm or give some pretty ass-kissing. Anyway, I have received close to 25% of traffic from my examination of the sites I reviewed in 2004, simply because people want to see what has changed or what I said in response to the review.

If you are truly in the reviews and revision, you can always join The problem with this "method" is that you really have to revise the people to get return traffic, but is not guaranteed unless you choose someone who makes a "revision review."
Step 6. Commentary on commentary Plugger Blogs

Nobody likes to hear what direction, but if you do not mind leaving them, then this method is perfect. Finding many blogs as possible when the blog author has installed a plugin to automatically link to his comments on the page. Comments on a post and bang - not just Google count this as an additional link to that, in addition to increasing its overall list in the search engine, but at least one person who clicks on your behalf to see who you are.

A guidance note: leave comments related to the entry in question is a good idea, otherwise the chances are high that it has just been banned by the junk mail and deleted your comments.
Step 7. Giving something away

Visitors are more likely to return and / or link to you if you have something to offer. I am not suggesting that the design and implementation of an entire resource center graphics or publish topics WordPress 40000 - a single issue of quality should be sufficient to attract more visitors. It is even better if you are generous enough to make this item free, and allow people to direct-link to it (depends on what it is, of course).

A single set of emoticons, a couple of photographs of values, an issue WordPress, a simple tutorial on the modification of a popular script - any of these things that will be of interest to other people.
Step 8. Have an Opinion

Sounds familiar? Okay. Here are some quick tips for opinion articles:

* Make it clear, concise and summarize their points.
* Stick to their guns - that the piece like to read your opinion is the only one worth having (like mine).
* Write about something interesting. Cover somewhat controversial.
* In disagreement with the mainstream, and give an interesting argument why.
* Get your facts right. Nobody likes a bullshitter.

Step 9. Validate, Accessibilise, etc.

Most people laugh at me when I suggest validation and accessibility as a tool for increased visits. They assume that I am just being an elitist obsessed standards-git again. They say that 99% of its audience in any case the use of IE. The raison d'être? They are in denial and IE is the only browser people can get to the page.

Even if only one in ten of its visitors using Firefox, Opera or a browser than IE, which is still one in ten that you need to address. If impress visitors that one could link to your website which in turn could lead 5, 50 or even 500 new visitors your way. The same goes for people with disabilities that prevent them from shipping in us; covering the whole world.
Step 10. Link to me

This is not going to increase their votes, but increasing mine. I am not saying this just because I could not think of a Step 10, honest ...